Red Wing Sportsmen's Club


Gaining membership to the Red Wing Sportsmen's Club is one not to be taken lightly. Safety and responsibility of discharging a firearm in the field is multiplied expediently when discharging the same firearm within city limits and especially a residential area. It is expressed that you act professionally not only while using the Club's facilities, but while representing The Red Wing Sportsmen's Club in any manor.


Below you will find a link to the Club's Handbook, Membership Application and questionnaire. Please read in their entirety before filling out or signing. Once completed, you may respond via email to set up the required orientation and tour of the facility. There will be no exceptions to this rule. At the completion of your tour you will be expected to pay all dues and present a photo I.D. You will then receive your membership number and a key to the Club House and Grounds.

It would be greatly appreciated if you were to bring the completed two page application, payment, current photo ID and your current Permit to Purchase or current Permit to Carry to the next Club meeting. Our meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month at 12 noon. Please read in advance the Handbook and have your questions ready. After the meeting, a Club Officer will conduct your required orientation and grounds tour. A typical meeting will last about 45 minutes.

Please be advised that the Red Wing Sportsmen's Club is closely approaching the maximum number of Club Members. This number is determined by Club Committee and insurance regulations.

Please be aware that your membership may be postponed for this reason.

2020-2021 Handbook

2020 Banquet RSVP Form

2020 New Member Application Form

Last edit: February 9th 2020