The Red Wing Sportsmen's Club

Providing Community Services

An important part of your membership dues are given to our community as supportive and educational purposes.

The Red Wing Sportsmen's Club has a long history of contributions honoring your neighbors in turn giving pride to all our members.

- Donations to the Red Wing Police holding annual golf competitions to raise money for law enforcement families.

- Making our facilities available to law enforcement agencies for ongoing fire arm and tactical training.

- Donations to the annual " Great American Experiment" speech contest which foster local charities.

- Supporting the YMCA Challenge promoting fire arm safety to local youth.

-Our annual Neighborhood Picnic maintaining close communications with all residents living around the Club's facilities.

- Supporting the Minnesota DNR in their FAS training throughout the Goodhue County area.

- Courtesies to to Red Wing Sister Cities visiting Dignitaries. See photos and videos.



R.W.S.C. Homepage

Last Entry; August 18th 2013